PR|SM Continual Professional Development
We believe everybody needs to opportunity to grow. We have developed additional PRISM CPD which can enhance your knowledge and update your skills as a placenta remedies provider to ensure you can provide the very best service to your clients. All of our CPD courses listed below can be accessed by all placenta remedies providers, please get in touch for more details.
Introduction to birth work for Placenta Remedies providers
This is a mandatory prerequisite module for all PR|SM One, Two and Three trainees.
Support your business knowledge and client wellbeing with this online interactive session which provides you with an understanding of working sensitively with pregnant, birthing and new parents.
This online group session will provide you with the skills and knowledge to develop or enhance your understanding of what effective communication looks like and how to implement it with colleagues and healthcare professionals.
This course is also available for anyone who has not trained with us and who wishes to develop a deeper understanding of communication and working within the birth world. After the workshop there will be an online module to complete before you receive your certificate so you can move on to the PR|SM One, Two or Three.
Health & Safety Refresher
With this interactive day you can refresh the necessary skills you need in your preparation area and bring yourself and your business up to date with the health and safety aspects of placenta remedies preparation. During the day we will cover everything you need from PPE (Personal Protective Equipment) and cleaning methods to storage of placenta for collection and the completed end products.
We operate a waiting list for this workshop. Please request to have your name added and we will be in touch when we host our next workshop.
Refresher Course
If you have been working as a placenta remedies provider for some time, and feel you would benefit from a refresher course, we offer an online session for you to work through alongside video content and Zoom session where you can also access HAACP, Food Hygiene and Infection Control Training if you need to renew your certificates.
EU Cosmetics Regulations
Theory work regarding the processes and documentation needed for cosmetic manufacturing in the UK/EU, including online guidance regarding Cosmetic Safety Reports (CPSR) and Cosmetic Product Notification Portal (CPNP), cosmetic labelling compliance and insurance.
Hands on cosmetic making for a balm and a cream recipe including demonstrations through good manufacturing processes (GMP) and recipe composition.
Included within the workshop:
• Templates and recipes which are CPSR ready
• GMP document
• Worksheets with guidance for self-completion of paperwork
• Post course support in dedicated Facebook Group relating to CPSR and CPNP, labelling and manufacturing cosmetics.
• Ingredients included to manufacture a balm, cream and facial and take away a sample of your hand made product on the day
Cosmetic manufacturing on a small scale (full day of making cosmetics)
Fully interactive and immersive day learning about handmade cosmetic products and how to make them, including different methods which you can develop throughout the day to create the perfect blend. All cosmetic products will be made using good quality essential oils and naturally sourced ingredients. This workshop will leave you with the hands on skills and practical knowledge needed to manufacture cosmetics with a deeper understanding of the methods involved and how to blends cosmetic ingredients to achieve your desired result.