FAQ for Placenta Training

Many questions arise when embarking on a placenta training course. Below we list some of the most common questions asked prior to completing placenta training with PR|SM Placenta Training.

Can I pay in installments for placenta training with PRISM?

Yes you can, and you can get started after your first installment! We want you to start your business on a good footing, so spreading your set up costs and buying your equipment in stages may feel like the right way to go about starting your new business.

The next placenta training course is not for 3 months, when should I book onto training?

Booking your course at the earliest opportunity is advised. This is to enable you to book on to the first stage of your training, and complete the online modules prior to the practical course date. You will need to have successfully completed the online modules and third-party certification before the Cheshire, Surrey or Australia based group for PRISM 1 or 2 trainees or the one to one session in your home for PRISM 3 trainees.

Can I use my home kitchen for placenta remedy work?

You are able to use your own home kitchen space, as long as your Environmental Health Officer is happy with your set up and the paperwork for your business surrounding food safety. You will need to ensure you are able to use the workspace without being disturbed during the processing of the placenta.

My client has asked to see my workspace, how should I respond? 

As a Placenta Remedies Provider, you do not offer a service where the public can ‘shop’ at your premises. Due to this you do not have any obligation to show your clients your the space in which you work. It would be personal preference if you wished to do so.

How many placentas can I expect to process in a month?

This is a really subjective question based on many aspects. How will your clients find you? Are you visible to pregnant parents on social media? Your clients will find you in a huge variety of ways; Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, a website, a listing site on information sites such as Netmums, word of mouth and search engines. Generally, you can expect to see anything from 1 a month up to 10 or more placentas per month once your business is established and you have a regular client base.

Can I work solely as a placenta remedies provider and work around my family?

Only you will know your personal set up, how much income you need to bring home and whether or not being a Placenta Remedies Provider can give you additional income as a part time job or if you can achieve a full time income. There are Placenta Remedies Providers who have worked hard on their marketing and networking to achieve their own goals and are successfully running busy businesses. Others are happy to take on 1 or 2 placentas a month. If you would like some support with your marketing, we can help in a variety of ways.

You can read more about placenta training course options by clicking on the button below

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