PRISM Placenta Training Australia

Complete an enquiry form about Placenta Training Australia and Asia here.
PRISM kickstarts 2020 with the announcement of our placenta remedies training branch in Australia and Asia with trainers Liz Purnell-Webb and Heather McCosker-Howard.
Liz and Heather are both highly experienced birth workers and trainers hosting workshops and training across Australia and Asia as well as being known for their reputation in other countries worldwide.

PRISM have been working together with Liz and Heather for over a year now to enable PRISM Placenta Remedies Training and Mentoring to be launched in Australia and Asia. It has been an exciting time of Zoom video calls, meetings in London and a million emails back and forth, and here we are READY TO LAUNCH!
Heather is a Midwife in Australia with over 30 years’ experience as an academic, teacher, researcher, clinician and mentor. Her passion is to optimise individualised care for women, their families and babies based on critical review of current research and clinical wisdom of expert practitioners. We are excited Heather will be working with us offering professional Placenta Remedies training to ensure families receive more of the optimal care she aspires to.
Liz is from Australia and the UK, and is the owner and founder of A Mother’s Touch, providing a natural approach and a personalised service to clients. Liz believes that training is the key to the success of Placenta Remedies, parents need to feel confident their specialist and the process is professional and safe. Liz has no doubt of the the benefits placenta encapsulation can provide parents having followed hundreds in her own work, but knows that professional training, mentoring and ongoing professional development are extremely important to maintain the high standard of specialists that are required to offer this service and is now focused on offering training through PRISM in Australia and Asia.